Anthony Milewski Anthony Milewski

Greed, Guts and Glory

For years I have wanted to share my thoughts with a broader audience regarding investing and making money in the commodities space.  For a variety of reasons I have not turned my attention to this endeavor but feel that the market is changing, and creating a community of speculators to share ideas, celebrate wins, and commiserate the losses is growing more and more important. 

As the old adage goes, “if you want to do something new, you have to stop doing something old.”  

To that end I am launching a personal monthly letter on : Greed, Guts, and Glory: Mastering the Art of Speculation, to focus on creating a community of like-minded individuals.  I intend to share my views on the space, strategies, people and, above all else, share opportunities. Subscribe now at

Anthony Milewski

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